Personal Injury
Our attorneys at the Ayres Law Office P.C., can handle a wide range of personal injury cases. We have won high case settlements for our clients.
Miles V. Ford Motor Company
Willie Searcy, his brother and his stepfather were driving to his friend’s house when their lives changed in an instant. A car came across the highway and hit them head-on. Willie’s father and stepbrother walked away from the scene. Willie was left to fight for his life, rendered a quadriplegic,…
Lee V. Pennzoil Quaker State Company
James Lee was on-duty for the Wills Point Police Department when he heard an explosion. As the first officer on the scene, he arrived to discover his son on the ground – unrecognizable, with 90% of his body covered in burns and clinging to life. Jimmy Lee lived for approximately one…
Kennedy V. Statco Engineering & Atlas Automation
A 30-year licensed electrician worked at a Dallas area plant. The electrician reported to the automation subcontractor, who in turn reported to the general contractor. Late in the day, after work was scheduled to be completed, the electrician was asked to complete some additional work. Shortly after he began completing his…
Hearn V. New Prime, Inc.
Two sisters were returning home to Waco from Kansas when an 18-wheeler came into their lane of traffic, forcing the driver to take evasive action that ultimately led to the vehicle rolling multiple times in the median. The driver died at the scene and the passenger was air-lifted to…
Crawford V. Pediatric Services Of America
A little girl was born with a genetic defect that prevented her from being able to breathe independently. Her family and doctors fought for years to help her recover. Just weeks before the child was scheduled to be removed from her ventilator and breath on her own, her mother received…